The original “Glass” was a desk accessory which created a tiny window that showed a magnified view of whatever was under the cursor. The window was immovable, all in black-and-white, and restricted to one resolution … and too useful to ignore. Glass II attempts to solve some of the original's shortcomings.
Glass II
Glass II creates a small window which displays a magnified view of whatever is under the cursor.
• The view magnification can be from 1¥ to 16¥ actual size.
• The view can be shown with or without an overlaid grid.
• The view window can be resized as required.
• The magnified view can be copied to the clipboard.
• Glass II can optionally show the cursor position (in screen coordinates) and the colour of the pixel under the cursor.
Glass II is freeware. You can use it from now until doomsday and not pay me a cent. However, if you like it, or if you have suggestions, I'd like to hear from you. Contact details are below.
File Menu
Reset Window Changes the window size to show a standard 17¥17 magnified pixels. (If the current magnification level is less than 8¥ then the window will be resized as if the magnification level were exactly 8¥.)
Align Window Resizes the window to an exact multiple of the current magnification, so that no partial pixels are shown.
Close Window Closes the window and quits.
Quit Closes the window and quits.
Edit Menu
Most options in the Edit menu are not used by Glass II, and are permanently disabled.
Copy Copies the current magnified view to the clipboard.
View Menu
Show Gridlines Overlays a grid on the magnified view, so that the borders of each pixel are clearly shown. Note: The grid is not shown if the magnification level is less than 8¥.
Show Coordinates Shows the current screen coordinates of the cursor.
Show Colour Shows the RGB colour of the pixel under the cursor.
Hilight Cursor Position Draws a frame in the magnified view around the pixel that is under the cursor. Note: The frame is not shown if the magnification level is less than 4¥.
Scale Menu
Allows you to choose the magnification level required, from 1¥ to 16¥.
Version 3.0
The first public release of Glass II. The previous versions were…less good, let's leave it at that.
Contact Details and Legal Stuff
You can contact me with praise, brickbats, bug reports or suggestions at: